Saturday, February 5, 2011

Plan, Chicken Teriyaki, Lazy Days

Tip of the Day: Plan

This helped me when I was going through my weight loss last year, and I'm planning on doing this now that I'm trying to lose my baby body. Have a calendar for the week posted on your fridge, or in your phone, or wherever you're going to use it most. Plan and write down what you're going to eat the next day. If you have it planned out, exactly what you're going to eat, then you're more likely to stick to that goal of eating only what you have written down. Count up the calories the day before also, so at the end of the day you'll know where you're at. If you're a little under your limit, then treat yourself to a healthy snack! This will really help you gain control of what you're putting in your body.

Healthy Recipe: Chicken Teriyaki Crock Pot

This recipe is amazing, and so simple. If you don't have a large crock pot, borrow one! It's utah people, you'll be able to find one.

5 Chicken Breasts
1 bottle of teriyaki marinade
1 pineapple
1 red pepper
1 orange pepper
1 green pepper

Pretty much all you need to do is put all of these ingredients into the crock pot! You don't need to cut up the chicken, just make sure they're thawed. Cut up the peppers and throw them in, and dump the whole bottle of marinade in there. Then put a whole bunch of pineapple in, on top. Put the lid on and cook it for about 6-7 hours. Judge it on the tenderness of the meat. You want it to easily fall apart, but not be squishy and liquidy!

Exercise: Lazy Days

As much as we all want to be so good at getting to the gym every day, it doesn't always happen. Sometimes we have just too long of a day! A lot of us use that as an excuse to not work out at all, but with this workout I found, you will never be able to make excuses! It's a "no-gear" workout. So, on your lazy days when you just want to be home. Do this workout! You'll be able to have a lazy day without that fat, lazy feeling. In fact, print the workout out, and post in on your fridge! That way you remember to always do it when you're wanting to skip the gym.

Sneak Peek!!

I found this yummy looking recipe on a cooking show I love to watch, and am going to make it tomorrow for the super bowl. Tune in tomorrow, and I'll post it. =-)

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