Exercise: Lunge w/ Kettle Bell
In lunge position w/ right leg forward, holding a 10-15 pound kettle bell in your left hand, lunge down so both your legs are about 90 degrees. Do 20 on each side.
In lunge position w/ right leg forward, holding a 10-15 pound kettle bell in your left hand, lunge down so both your legs are about 90 degrees. Do 20 on each side.
Exercise: 2 Arm Clean and Press
Stand with your legs a little wider than your hips, and hold two 15-30 pound kettlebells in front of your body with your knuckles facing forward. Bend your knees slightly and bend your torso forward at your hips. Push your buttocks forward, and swing the kettlebells up at the same time to your shoulders. Your knuckles should be facing out to your sides. The kettlebells' bottoms should be facing toward the ground the entire time as they roll around your forearms. Do not flip them over your hands. Bend your knees and tuck your buttocks beneath your body for balance.
Exercise: Upright Row w/ KB
Depending on your fitness level, use a 10-15 pound Kettle Bell, stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees soft, holding onto the kettle bell handle with both hands, bring the kettle bell to your chin, lifting elbows up as high as you can.
Depending on your fitness level, use a 10-15 pound Kettle Bell, stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees soft, holding onto the kettle bell handle with both hands, bring the kettle bell to your chin, lifting elbows up as high as you can.
Exercise: Chest Press w/ KB
Standing hip-width apart, knees soft, hold the kettle bell from the bell part instead of the handle, up at your chest level. Push up to the ceiling for a chest press, and come back down to starting position. Do this 20 times. Pair with the other kettle bell exercises this week for an intense workout!
Standing hip-width apart, knees soft, hold the kettle bell from the bell part instead of the handle, up at your chest level. Push up to the ceiling for a chest press, and come back down to starting position. Do this 20 times. Pair with the other kettle bell exercises this week for an intense workout!
Exercise: Around The Body KB Pass
I'm so glad I'm doing a kettle bell theme this week. I'm hoping it'll get people to go buy some and do these workouts! They may even be better than dumbbells, because their weight isn't evenly distributed like dumbbells are, so they make your muscles work harder, and make the exercise more challenging!
Around the Body Kettle Bell Pass
(Using a 10-15 pound Kettle Bell) Standing w/ your feet hip-width apart, hold the kettlebell with both hands in front of your torso. Release the kettlebell into your right hand and move both arms behind your back. Grab the bell with your left hand and bring it back to the front (completing a full circle around your body). That's one rep. Do this for 1 minute.
I'm so glad I'm doing a kettle bell theme this week. I'm hoping it'll get people to go buy some and do these workouts! They may even be better than dumbbells, because their weight isn't evenly distributed like dumbbells are, so they make your muscles work harder, and make the exercise more challenging!
Around the Body Kettle Bell Pass
(Using a 10-15 pound Kettle Bell) Standing w/ your feet hip-width apart, hold the kettlebell with both hands in front of your torso. Release the kettlebell into your right hand and move both arms behind your back. Grab the bell with your left hand and bring it back to the front (completing a full circle around your body). That's one rep. Do this for 1 minute.
Exercise: Kettle Bell Squat
I had the opportunity to shadow a great trainer at a gym the other day and do some kettle bell exercises. I don't think they get enough attention, so this week I'm going to focus on exercises you can do with a kettle bell. You can buy these for pretty cheap and do these at home!
Kettle bell on the floor (5-10 pounds) next to your left foot. Squat down and grab the kettle bell with your right hand, grab the kettle bell, stand back up, then squat down again and place the kettle bell down by your right foot. That's one rep. Do 20. Make sure your squats are real squats, not just bending over. Keep your feet in position, back straight, belly in.
I had the opportunity to shadow a great trainer at a gym the other day and do some kettle bell exercises. I don't think they get enough attention, so this week I'm going to focus on exercises you can do with a kettle bell. You can buy these for pretty cheap and do these at home!
Kettle bell on the floor (5-10 pounds) next to your left foot. Squat down and grab the kettle bell with your right hand, grab the kettle bell, stand back up, then squat down again and place the kettle bell down by your right foot. That's one rep. Do 20. Make sure your squats are real squats, not just bending over. Keep your feet in position, back straight, belly in.
Exercise: Walk Out Pushup
This is an excellent way to get your heart rate up, and make push ups more interesting. Start standing up and walk out to your push up position, keeping your feet in place the whole time. Do a push up, walk back to your feet and stand up. Repeat 20 times.
This is an excellent way to get your heart rate up, and make push ups more interesting. Start standing up and walk out to your push up position, keeping your feet in place the whole time. Do a push up, walk back to your feet and stand up. Repeat 20 times.
Exercise: Burn Fat Fast
Do this workout 3 times a week, and you'll totally torch calories, and melt away your fat! Complete the 4 exercises, and go through them another 2 times.
Do this workout 3 times a week, and you'll totally torch calories, and melt away your fat! Complete the 4 exercises, and go through them another 2 times.
Exercise: No Crunch Zone
These are such great core exercises that won't make your back touch the floor!
Exercise: Barbell Rollout
Remember that really old exercise tool called the ab wheel? You hold onto the handles and roll out forward? Even with how old the ab wheel is, it is still an effective exercise! As long as you are using the right technique it is SO good for working on that 6 pack. Using a barbell and two 10 pound weigh plates for each end will get you the same results, if not better! On your knees, bent forward, hold onto the barbell with your hands, barbell underneath your face. Tighten your core and glutes and roll forward as far as you can without your hips sagging. Keep your back straight and everything still as you roll forward. Do this a few times a week and you'll noticably get better and better, and be able to roll further and further forward.
Exercise: Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa is an active sequence of yoga flows. So flow through these poses, one after the other and repeat 5-10 times. It's a full body workout that will burn your belly fat!
Exercise: Posture Exercises
Here are some exercises you can do with the machines at the gym to help your posture:
Back Extension
The back extension machine trains the muscles of the lower back. Sit on the machine with your lower back pressed firmly against the padded seat. Keep your legs bent and cross your arms in front of your body. Push your hips and torso back against the padded seat by pressing your feet against the lower platform. Extend the spine within a normal range of motion. Pause at the end of the movement and return to the starting position. Perform three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.
Pull Down
The pull-down exercise trains the muscles of the shoulders, upper and middle back. Grasp the bar overhead with a shoulder-width grip. Position your legs under the padded leg restraint and sit upright with your shoulders pulled back. Pull the bar down to the top of your upper chest. Pause at the chest while attempting to squeeze your shoulder blades together. Return the bar overhead by extending the arms. Perform three sets of six to eight repetitions.
Exercise: Ball and Band
These are great exercises to do at home, and the tools are so much cheaper to buy than a set of dumbbells, or a treadmill!
Butt and Back exercise
Sit on the stability ball with knees wide directed over toes, spine straight and abs tucked in. Wrap the resistance band around your hands, being careful not to constrict your knuckles or fingers. Raise the band over your head, with arms extended straight up to the ceiling. Pull the band apart until your arms form a Y shape over your head. Pull the band tight with no sagging or lax areas. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull the band down behind your head until it reaches the top of your back, as if performing a lat pulldown move in the gym. Simultaneously, while you are pulling down the band, deeply squeeze your gluteus maximus and lift your hips up off the ball about 1 to 2 inches as in a reverse squat movement. As you raise the band back up overhead, return your butt to the ball. Perform 15 to 20 repetitions to sculpt the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles in the upper back while toning the quadriceps and gluteus muscles in the lower body.
Pecs and Abs exercise
Sit on the ball with the band wrapped around your hands. Walk your feet out until your back is resting comfortably on the ball. Raise your arms directly over your chest. The band should be tight and give you resistance when opening the arms wide. As you curl your chest up off the ball and contract your abdominals, pull the band down across your chest by opening your arms to the side. Make sure your arms make a straight line across your chest, not going higher than the shoulder area. Return the back to the ball as you raise your arms back to the starting position. Try not to let the band go lax when you bring it back to the beginning position. Perform 15 to 20 repetitions being careful not to jut the chin forward on the raises or open the arms to wide past the shoulder girdle.
Biceps and Quad exercise
Sit up tall on the ball with feet on the floor, knees hip-distance apart in a 90-degree angle to your torso. The band should be under the arches of your shoes so that there is equal amount of band on each side. Wrap one end of the band around your right hand and the other around your left. Bend your elbows into a 90-degree angle and place them close to your ribs. Bring your hands together and curl them up towards your left shoulder as you lean back towards the left contracting your ab muscles on the left side. Tuck your lower abdominals in to support your lower back and be careful not to arch. Return the arms to 90 degrees. Repeat the contraction and bicep curl to the right side. Try to perform 20 repetitions or 10 to each side. It is helpful to exhale on the exertion part of the movement and inhale on the relax or return portion.
Exercise: Great Butt
Check out this great butt workout!! I plan on using this starting next week paired with the "Running for Beginners" (in previous post)
*Running for Beginners (from previous post)
I started my running program on Monday, and I have to say that it is going so well! By the end of the 6 weeks I should be able to run 30 minutes with no stopping. I can't wait!!
Exercise: No Tools Workout
I know that everyone has those days you just don't have the energy to go to the gym. Instead of skipping out on a workout completely, try some no probs exercise!
Side Bridge w/ Abduction
Lie on your left side with your elbow directly beneath your shoulder and legs stacked. Brace your abs and lift your hips off the floor until you're balancing on your forearm and feet and your body forms a diagonal line (A). Lift your right leg at least 6 inches (B). Lower and repeat. Complete all reps, then repeat on your right side. That's 1 set.
Wrap Around Ankle Touch
Stand with your legs together and bend your right knee 90 degrees so you're balancing on your left leg (A). As you squat, reach your right arm across your body and try to touch the outside of your left foot with your fingertips (B). Keep your back as straight as possible while reaching. Press back up to start. Complete all reps, then repeat on your right leg. That's 1 set.
Push Up Position Bird Dog
Assume a pushup position with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders and your back straight (A). Brace your abs as you extend your right arm and left leg (B). Lower them both--but not your torso--and repeat, lifting your left arm and right leg. Continue alternating until you've completed 8 to 12 reps on each side. That's 1 set.
I know that everyone has those days you just don't have the energy to go to the gym. Instead of skipping out on a workout completely, try some no probs exercise!
Side Bridge w/ Abduction
Lie on your left side with your elbow directly beneath your shoulder and legs stacked. Brace your abs and lift your hips off the floor until you're balancing on your forearm and feet and your body forms a diagonal line (A). Lift your right leg at least 6 inches (B). Lower and repeat. Complete all reps, then repeat on your right side. That's 1 set.
Wrap Around Ankle Touch
Stand with your legs together and bend your right knee 90 degrees so you're balancing on your left leg (A). As you squat, reach your right arm across your body and try to touch the outside of your left foot with your fingertips (B). Keep your back as straight as possible while reaching. Press back up to start. Complete all reps, then repeat on your right leg. That's 1 set.
Push Up Position Bird Dog
Assume a pushup position with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders and your back straight (A). Brace your abs as you extend your right arm and left leg (B). Lower them both--but not your torso--and repeat, lifting your left arm and right leg. Continue alternating until you've completed 8 to 12 reps on each side. That's 1 set.
Exercise: Thigh Exercise
No one likes to have flabby thighs! Tone 'em up with some cardio and some exercises! Here's one that's effective, and has the ability to be done anywhere!
Side Lift
Lay on your side and slowly lift your top leg as high as you can without bending your knee. Hold for five to 10 seconds and slowly release.
No one likes to have flabby thighs! Tone 'em up with some cardio and some exercises! Here's one that's effective, and has the ability to be done anywhere!
Side Lift
Lay on your side and slowly lift your top leg as high as you can without bending your knee. Hold for five to 10 seconds and slowly release.
Exercise: Peak Fast
This is an awesome workout routine I found in Men's Health! It was used by NFL players, so you know it's got to work. It's made to shock your muscles by using exercises that work more than just one muscle at a time, and putting those exercises into supersets which will burn all that unwanted fat. It's meant give results in just 4 weeks! It's made for men, and even though men usually don't think they need workout routines (because they always know what to do =-)), I still wanted to post this just in case!
This is an awesome workout routine I found in Men's Health! It was used by NFL players, so you know it's got to work. It's made to shock your muscles by using exercises that work more than just one muscle at a time, and putting those exercises into supersets which will burn all that unwanted fat. It's meant give results in just 4 weeks! It's made for men, and even though men usually don't think they need workout routines (because they always know what to do =-)), I still wanted to post this just in case!
Exercise: Plank Row and Leg Lift
I'm all for exercises that work your core while working other muscles. Here's one of my favorites from Women's Health! It works your back, glutes, and core all at the same time!
Place a pair of 5-10 pound dumbbells shoulder-width apart on a 12-inch-high step. Get in plank position w/ your hands on the dumbbells. In one motion, lift the right dumbbell until your elbow passes your torso and raise your left leg to hip height. Lower and repeat w/ opposite arm and leg. Do 12-15 reps
Exercise: Perfect your Workout
Here are some tips to use to perfect some of those well known exercises.
-Squat. A lot people don't have the correct form when doing squats, therefore aren't getting their best workout with them. Make sure your feet are parallel, and knees stay pointing straight. Use a workout bench. Make sure your butt taps the bench so you know you're going low enough.
-Crunch. The standard crunch needs to be done with your feet on the floor, knees bent about 90 degrees. Hands behind your head (so you don't put all the energy into your neck) elbows out to the side. Roll all the way up until your chest touches your knees, and slowly roll back down, keeping all of your energy in your core.
-Stand Up. Stop doing your lifting while sitting. Exercises that involve standing up will help you burn more calories!
Exercise: Push Up Challenge
I've talked about push ups before, but wanted to expand. I had a comment on a post a while back from my husband's dad telling me about a daily push up challenge him and his friend started. My husband is actually doing it also! They're challenging themselves and each other to do 200 push ups a day! On days they want to do a little less, they just make it up the next day. My Father-in Law says he started being able to do 30-35 at a time and only a month later was able to do 50-66 at a time! My husband has seen huge differences in his arm muscles, and feels great since starting this goal. It won't only be a great benefit for men, but for women also! I would probably shoot for 100 a day, just because I can barely do 2 at a time, but do what you can ladies! By the end of the year my husband will be at 73,000 push ups!
Exercise: Pilates
Besides yoga, another form of exercise I am in love with is pilates. Sorry for the men reading this blog, because this pretty much targeted towards women. I will do a manly workout in my next post! Pilates is a great way to help get a lean body! Here are some of my favorite moves:
Works core, glutes, and hamstrings
Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet hip-width apart and flat on the floor. Grab the backs of your thighs and suck in your navel so your torso forms a C. Keeping your back rounded, slowly roll back as low as you can with your feet planted on the floor. Take three deep breaths. Return to start. Repeat twice without resting.
-Double Leg Stretch
Works core, shoulders, back, glutes, and legs
Lie on your back. Bring your knees toward your chest and grab your shins. Brace your abs. As you lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor, extend your legs. Hold them about 12 inches off the floor and straighten your arms over your head with your palms up. Bring your knees back up to your chest and grab your legs again. That's 1 rep; do 8.
-Side Leg Circles
Works core and inner and outer thighs
Lie on your right side with your right upper arm on the floor and your head resting on your right hand. With knees straight, bend at your hips so your legs and torso form a slight angle. Raise your left leg 6 to 8 inches and make 8 small forward circles from the hip, raising the leg higher with each one. From the highest point, make 8 more small circles in the other direction as you lower the leg to start. That's 1 rep. Do 3 and then repeat on the other side.
These are all workouts you can do at home, but an even better way to get that pilates body is to go to a class at your gym. If you don't go to a health club type of gym, google pilates studios near you! There are usually always pilates places near everyone!
Exercise: Full Plank
After you've done the "Running for Beginners" workout I posted a few days back, you can start sculpting your abs! Here is a great exercise just for that. I will be posting even more the next few days that you can combine into one workout and do every other day in the comfort of your own home.
Plank: Start in push-up position, keeping abs lifted so body forms a straight line. Life left leg, bend knee and pull it toward left elbow, then return it to floor. Do this 8 times, holding your foot up in the air for a count of 8 on the last rep. Repeat w/ right leg.
Exercise: Split Stance Dumbbell Row
I am all for two in one exercises, and this is a great one to add into your workout routine. You're not only working your mid/upper back with the row, but you're really working on your hips with the split stance. Hips are part of your core, and having a strong core means everything when you're trying to get in shape!
In split stance, right leg in front, with both knees slightly bent, lean forward and place your right arm on your knee for support, with a dumbbell in your left arm, straight down. Engage your core, and bring the dumbbell closer to your body, bending your elbow 90 degrees. Do 2 sets of 12 on each side. Pick a weight that's challenging, and once you can easily do 12, it's time to up the weight!
Exercise: Tricep Dips
I love this exercise because it's an easy, gear-free way to work out that part of your arms that everyone hates to get extra fat on. You can use a chair or a bench.
With the chair/bench behind you, grab the edge w/ your hands (which should be about hip-width apart) Bend your knees, and bend your elbows, performing a dip, lowering your body down, straighten your elbows and repeat. Do as many as you can! Shoot for 50, but when you think you're done, do 3 more!
Exercise: Stability Ball Bench Press
Stability balls are awesome! You can use one for pretty much any exercise, and it'll only help your results! It helps you focus on your balance and stability while you're doing a simple exercise, making the exercise harder for your body to perform. And you know, the harder you push your body, the better results you're going to get?
Grab a dumbbell in each hand and lie on your back on a stability ball with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Raise the weights above your chest, palms facing forward. Lower the right dumbbell to the side of your chest, pause, then press the weight back to the starting position as quickly as possible. Repeat on the left side. That is one rep. Do 2 sets of 15.
Exercise: Assisted Pull ups
Pull ups can be so hard, especially for women! I love the pull-up machine at the gym. If you want to really improve you upper body strength, use this machine! Even the heaviest person can do this. There's an assistance pad that you put your knees on, and you select the weight you want to use (the heavier the weight you select, the more support you will have holding you up) Select the weight that feels comfortable to you, and work on those pull-ups! If you add this to your work out routine, your pull-ups will improve in no time!
Exercise: Medicine Ball
What's awesome about exercising is that there are so many tools you can use! I like this routine because it totally switches things up from using a plain, old dumbbell.
Exercise: Power Jump
I love this exercise! It really helps you feel like you have power! All you need is a step/box, or even a bench if you're feeling super powerful.
Start facing the box/step/bench, feet shoulder width apart. Engaging your core, jump up, landing with both feet on the box, shoulder width apart. Step back down to starting position and repeat, 2 sets of 12-15.
Exercise: Become a Runner
Aren't you jealous of that person on the treadmill in front of you who can just keep running for a half hour without stopping once to catch their breathe? Well, that can be you! Remember my post about interval training a while back? Just incorporate it into your running along with your strength training workout and you'll be a runner in no time! I'm actually going to be doing this exact workout routine now that the weather has gotten nicer...I can't wait!
It's a 6 week program, and on Tuesday/Thursdays just do your own strength training workout!
Exercise: Trainer Workout
This trainer trains celebrities like Katy Perry, Megan Fox, and Lady Gaga. I found this workout he put together for Women's Health. Love it!
Exercise: Mountain Climber
This is one of my favorite exercises. It really gets your heart rate up, and works your core at the same time!
Start in a pushup position. Keeping your head in line with your body, bring your right knee to your chest, then back to starting position. Alternate rapidly with the left leg. That's one rep.
Do 20 reps.
Exercise: Pairs
Doing two exercises at the same time can really help tone your muscles! You're not exhausting a specific muscle group to quickly, and you're also bringing the chances of injury down a lot lower! Try these couple exercises.
Push Up-Row
Get into pushup position with your hands gripping a pair of dumbbells; your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Keeping your hips parallel to the floor (you'll need to engage your core and glutes the entire time), bend your right elbow to pull the weight up toward the side of your body. Pause, then slowly return the weight to the floor and repeat with the left arm.
Side Plank-Rear Fly
Grab a dumbbell with your right hand and lie on your left side, then prop yourself up on your left forearm and raise your hips so your body forms a straight line. Extend the weight in front of you at shoulder level. Slowly raise the weight toward the ceiling, keeping your arm straight and pulling your shoulder blades together. Return to start. That's one rep. Do 12 to 15, then switch sides
Exercise: Lunge-Twist
This is a fun way to amp up any lunge. Just grab a weighted medicine ball or even a 5-10 lb dumbell. Hold it straight out in front of you, lunge forward and once you're in the lunge position, arms still straight out in front of you, twist to the side over the front, bending knee. Stand back up and continue to do walking front lunges w/ twists. Do 12 forward, turn around and do 12 back. So effective for you're whole body!
Exercise: Jumpstart
As lazy as this seems, I'm just going to post this link to an incredible "jump starting" workout that will torch those calories!
Print it off and take it to the gym!
Exercise: Plyometrics
These are exercises that involve explosive, fast movements. These moves will totally burn those unwanted calories! Try adding these workouts to your routine, you'll love how empowering they are!
Step Lateral Shuffle (Uses a step/box)
Stand w/ your left foot on a low box (or step) and your right foot on the floor about two feet to the right of the box. Bend your knees slightly, keep your chest up, and bend your arms 90 degrees, keeping your elbows close to your body. Push off your left foot and jump to your left, landing with your right foot on the box and your left foot on the floor, knees bent. Push off your right foot to jump back to the starting position. That's one rep. Do 10.
Split Jumps
Stand w/ your feet in a staggered stance, left foot in front of your right, two or three feet apart. Lower your body into a split squat/close lunge. Quickly jump up and scissor-kick your legs so that you land w/ your right leg forward. As soon as your feet land, lower your body into a split squat. That's one rep. Do six.
Exercise: Core Strengthening
Core strength is so important not just while exercising, but doing any kind of sport as well. It really helps the balance of your body, and helps you to perform at your best. Your technique will be in tip top shape, which will prevent you from any injury, and help you get the most out of your workout! Here's an example of a great core strengthening exercise move:
Side Pillar
Lie on your left side with your forearm on the floor under your shoulder, and your feet stacked together. Push your hip off the floor, creating a straight line from ankle to shoulder and keeping your head in line with your spine. Pause for 1 to 2 seconds, then lower yourself and repeat. After you've completed your repetitions, lie on your right side and repeat.
To get the most out of this move, really tighten your core/abs while doing this.
Exercise: "The Teaser"
Here is a great abdominal work out to incorporate into your work out routine! It's called "the teaser". It's a pilates move mostly for women, but men can do it also!
Lie face-up and lift your legs so your thighs are perpendicular to the floor and your knees are bent 90 degrees.
Raise your hands toward the ceiling.
Lift your torso and straighten your legs, so your body forms a V.
Hold for one second, then roll back down, keeping your legs raised.
Do 8 to 10 reps
I read that this will activate 39% more of your rectus abdominus muscle (your six-pack) and 266% more of your external obliques (love handle area). Yeah. Definitely do this.
Exercise: Push Ups
I suck at push-ups. I'm not even going to pretend that I'm this amazing personal trainer who can do a million push-ups in a minute. I know I'll be great someday! Especially if I try these moves first:
1) Modified Push Up
Like a regular push-up except your knees are resting on the ground and ankles are toward the sky, feet crossed. Make sure body is one straight line from knees to head.
2)Incline Push Up
In push up stance, but hands on a bench rather than the ground.
These exercises will help prepare you for the real thing. You want to be able to do 15-20 reps in a row w/ perfect form. Then slowly try and do regular push ups between sets!
For those who are blessed w/ good upper body strength (most men I know), here are some moves to help your push ups be more challenging.
1)Stacked-Feet Push Up
Regular push up form, but one foot on top of the other one that's on the ground.
2)Decline Push Up
Like "incline push up" except your feet are the ones on the bench, not your hands.
3)Push up, feet on ball
Like "Decline push up" except feet are on a stability ball rather than a bench.
4)Stability Ball Push Up
Regular push up form, except hands are on the ball.
Exercise: Cardio Tips
Before you start your workout, warm up your body and get your heart rate up by using an elliptical or treadmill for about 5-10 minutes. It'll really get the blood flowing to your muscles, and help you to maximize your heart rate for your workout which will help you burn more calories. Know what else will help you burn more calories? Making sure you do your full cardio workout after your main workout. Your heart rate will be up a lot higher, especially if your main workout consists of weight and strength training exercises. And if those are the bulk of your exercises, you're going to burn even more calories in your cardio workout. (See below post "cardio vs. strength training" to see the effect that strength training has on you calorie burn.)
Exercise: Best Butt
Many people think that doing squats (hip flex) is the best way to get a toned butt, but there have been studies to show that doing hip extensions instead will actually help you sculpt your butt! Try this:
Start on your hands and knees, knees bent. Lift your right heel toward the ceiling, then lower it back down to the starting position. Do 12 reps, then repeat on the other side.
They study done by American Council on Exercise showed that doing this exercise will work 55% more of your hamstrings and 79% more of your glute than a plain squat will work. Easy choice!
Exercise: Lazy Days
As much as we all want to be so good at getting to the gym every day, it doesn't always happen. Sometimes we have just too long of a day! A lot of us use that as an excuse to not work out at all, but with this workout I found, you will never be able to make excuses! It's a "no-gear" workout. So, on your lazy days when you just want to be home. Do this workout! You'll be able to have a lazy day without that fat, lazy feeling. In fact, print the workout out, and post in on your fridge! That way you remember to always do it when you're wanting to skip the gym.
Exercise: Ab Workout
I just wanted to share with you my favorite ab workouts that helped get me flatter abs. (Before I got pregnant, of course!) You'll just need an exercise ball.
-Ball Knee-Ins: Start with your shins on top of the ball, hands on the ground in pus-up position. Bring your knees towards your chest while rolling the ball towards you. Hands stay in place. Do 2 sets of 15
-Ball Lifts: Lying flat on the ground, Ball between your lower legs, Start with legs straight on the ground, then lift them straight up towards the sky. Lower slowly, then repeat. 2 sets of 15.
-Ball Roll Outs: Start kneeling with the ball in front of you. Stretch your arms out straight on the ball, palms together. Roll the ball straight out, squeezing your abs as you lean forward with the ball, back u.p, and repeat 2 sets of 15
-Ball Side Crunch: Body turned to the side, lean waist on the ball with the under arm draped over the ball for support. Other hand behind head. One knee bent in for support, the other leg stretched out straight. Bring your elbow of the bent arm towards your waist to do a side crunch. 2 sets of 20.
Pair these exercises with the interval cardio training, and your abs will be gorgeous!
Exercise: Cardio vs. Strength Training
Which do you burn more calories doing? A lot of people think the answer would be cardio. Not true! There have been studies that show doing cardio at a steady pace for 30 minutes, and doing strength/endurance training exercises for the same amount of time actually results in the same calorie burn. Wait, there's more! Strength training will actually boost your metabolism after your workout. What will that do? It will help your fat burn and your calorie burn continue up to 36 hours after your workout! SO. Cardio is great for you. Strenth Training? Even Better!
Exercise: Office Fitness
It's hard to feel like you're trying to stay fit when you have a job that makes you feel like the opposite. There are always those workouts you can do at work using your chair and desk, but chances are you'll get in trouble for working out on the clock instead of actually working. I just wanted to give some helpful tips that can help keep you moving at the office.
- Use the stairs vs. the elevator. Don't just use them in the morning on your way to your office, but use them on your lunch break for a little cardio as well!
- Instead of using a regular chair, use an exercise ball. It forces your core to balance, so you're constantly working on your muscles.
-If you don't have a desk job, you can always park your car at the very end of the parking lot. Getting in those extra steps will always be good for your body!
-Leave your lunch, or something you won't need 'till later, in your car, so you can run back to get it.
-Instead of using an intercom, or email, walk to your co-worker to deliver a message for them!
Bottom line, just keep yourself moving! It'll keep you energized through out the day, which will help that sluggish, "don't want to be at work" feeling.
Exercise: Yoga
Anyone who knows me, knows about my addiction to yoga. Not only does it make you feel good by relieving your stress, but it uses your body as resistance which is super good for toning your muscles. Be sure to do it at least a couple days a week, pairing it with cardio and strength training, and you'll be golden. People are so scared of it because they think they need to be bendy-straw flexible, but that is so not true! Yoga helps you get more flexible. It works on stabilization and balancing which will help strengthen your core muscles. Men tend to think it's a woman exercise, but it is good for everyone! Men actually have higher stress levels than women (I know, right?) so they'll benefit from it in that sense, but working, and stretching those muscles will actually help athletic training. It'll help repair your muscles after a vigorous workout, and will also strengthen them to prevent injuries in the future. Go to a yoga class with your significant other. It's not only fun, but really relaxing and refreshing to go with someone you love. Over all, it's a win-win no matter what.
Want to burn fat on the mat, but can't make it to a yoga class? This 6 week routine is awesome, and helped me lose weight in the past!
Exercising: Interval Training
You may think you're getting a great work out running at your constant speed there on the treadmill, but you could be getting an even better workout! Just switch it up with a little interval training. For example: Start out by doing a low-intensity warm up for 3 minutes. After that, sprint your fastest/hardest for 30 seconds, then power walk for 60 seconds. Switch off with sprinting for 30 seconds, and power walking for 60 seconds up until you get to 20 minutes (or however long you want your cardio workout to be) and end it with a 5 minute cool-down. This will burn a lot more calories than you were burning just doing your boring same-speed run. Do this outside and it'll be even better for your calorie burn since it's paired with the terrain change under your feet. (If you're running outside, chances are you're working harder since you're most likely not running on a flat, level ground. You'll work more muscles when switching up the terrain under your feet throughout your run.) To avoid over-training, try and work interval training into your workouts just a couple days a week.