Tip of the Day: Movie Treats
When did seeing a movie in the theaters become all about the treats you get to munch on while watching?? I'm not saying I'm innocent at all...I love movie treats! But I try to plan my movie date on a day that I've set aside to take a break from my diet. I'll also be sure to make some swaps when the time comes to choose my treat! Here's some lists that'll help you know what to stay away from at movie theaters, and what's not so bad! (Thanks to my favorite site Eat This Not That)
Say no to:
-Dots (this used to be my favorite movie candy 'til I saw that there are 260 calories in only 22 pieces!)
-Hershey's Chocolat Bar (210 calories)
-Twizzlers Licorice (1 package is 480 calories! Yikes. Beware of candies claiming to be fat free. They may have no fat, but they have loads of high fructose corn syrup which is just as bad!)
-M&M's (1 bag is 240 calories)
-Medium Popcorn (600 calories! Popcorn can actually be a great, healthy treat, but not when you pour butter all over it. Movie theater butter is reeking of trans fats...stay away!)
Ok, go for these:
-Soft pretzel w/ Mustard (290 calories, use mustard, not cheese!)
-Jr. Mints (170 calories if you split the box w/ your date)
-Good & Plenty ( 130 calories for 33 pieces..much better than Twizzlers!)
-Kit Kat Bar (200 calories)
-Dark Chocolate Bar (They usually don't sell these at the theater, but make some time to stop at the grocery store before the movie starts! Dark chocolate would probably be your best bet...besides fruit of course!)
-Swedish Fish (200 calories for 2 oz.)
Healthy Recipe: Whole Wheat Pizza Dough
Making your pizza in your own home isn't only fun, but it's so much more healthy compared to take out pizza places! When you cook it in your own home, you know what's going into the food your going to eat. You aren't coating it with grease and butter, so you know you're eating so much healthier than you could be! Here is the base for a good pizza. Whole Wheat Pizza Dough. You can top it however you like, but the rest of the week I'll be giving you some examples to make a healthy, delicious pizza! For today, I'll just give you the dough recipe to get you started.
To make 12 ounces:
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 package quick-rising yeast-2 1/4 tsp (Such as Fleischmann's RapidRise)
3/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp sugar
1/2-2/3 cup hot water
2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil
66 calories (these calories seem high, but remember, you're not eating the whole pizza!)
To make 1 pound:
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 package quick-rising yeast-2 1/4 tsp
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
3/4 cups hot water
1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
1. Combine whole-wheat flour, all purpose flour, yeast, salt and sugar in a food processor; pulse to mix. Combine hot water and oil in a measuring cup. With the motor running, gradually pour in enough of the hot liquid until the mixture froms a sticky ball. The dough should be quite soft. If it seems dry, add 1 to 1 tbsp warm water; if too sticky, add 1 to 2 tbsp flour. Process until the dough forms a ball, then process for 1 minute to knead.
2. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface. Coat a sheet of plastic wrap with cooking spray and place it, strayed-side down, over the dough. Let the dough rest for 10 to 20 minutes before rolling.
2. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface. Coat a sheet of plastic wrap with cooking spray and place it, strayed-side down, over the dough. Let the dough rest for 10 to 20 minutes before rolling.
3. Place a pizza stone or inverted baking sheet on the lowest oven rack; preheat oven to 500 degrees F or highest setting. Roll and top the pizza as desired (13-inch circle is suggested) and bake the pizza until the bottom is crisp and golden, 10-14 minutes. Serve.
Exercise: Plank Row and Leg Lift
I'm all for exercises that work your core while working other muscles. Here's one of my favorites from Women's Health! It works your back, glutes, and core all at the same time!
Place a pair of 5-10 pound dumbbells shoulder-width apart on a 12-inch-high step. Get in plank position w/ your hands on the dumbbells. In one motion, lift the right dumbbell until your elbow passes your torso and raise your left leg to hip height. Lower and repeat w/ opposite arm and leg. Do 12-15 reps