Monday, March 14, 2011

Ditch These Meats, Raspberry-Avocado Smoothie, Around The Body KB Pass

Tip of the Day: Ditch These Meats

This tip is going to be short and sweet. I know it's so easy to make meals for the kiddos with these meats, and all children seem to love them, but is it worth it? Meats like bologna, sausage, and hot dogs are processed meats. They are loaded with salts and fats (not the good ones!) and contain nitrates. Nitrates have been linked to many different types of cancers. So, ask yourself again; Is it worth it? Cut up some chicken breasts into strips, and roll in bread crumbs (or oats to be healthier), and place on a baking sheet in the oven for some home made chicken strips instead! Kids will even have fun helping!

Healthy Recipe: Raspberry-Avocado Smoothie

I'm kind of going with a smoothie theme this week I've decided. They really make such great meals, and when filled with the right ingredients, are really filling! This one may sound disgusting beyond belief, but you'd be surprised how smooth and sweet the avocado makes this smoothie! Only 249 calories!

  • 1 avocado, peeled and pitted
  • 3/4 cup orange juice
  • 3/4 cup raspberry juice
  • 1/2 cup frozen raspberries, (not thawed)
Puree all ingredients until smooth.

Exercise: Around The Body KB Pass

I'm so glad I'm doing a kettle bell theme this week. I'm hoping it'll get people to go buy some and do these workouts! They may even be better than dumbbells, because their weight isn't evenly distributed like dumbbells are, so they make your muscles work harder, and make the exercise more challenging!

Around the Body Kettle Bell Pass
(Using a 10-15 pound Kettle Bell) Standing w/ your feet hip-width apart, hold the kettlebell with both hands in front of your torso. Release the kettlebell into your right hand and move both arms behind your back. Grab the bell with your left hand and bring it back to the front (completing a full circle around your body). That's one rep. Do this for 1 minute.

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